Curriculum Writing Team

Team Members

  • Coordinator:   Blaire Savage
  • Writers (5):
    • 1 Mini-campers (ages 3-5)
    • 1 Campers – 6 yr. olds
    • 1 Campers – 7,8,9 yr. olds
    • 1 Campers – 10,11,12 yr. olds
    • 1 Campers – Youth
  • Editors (2)
  • Proofreaders (3)
  • Supplemental materials Development (4)


The R.C. Curriculum Writing Team will prayerfully consider the direction of teaching for the coming year of Runner’s Camp (2011), and create a comprehensive set of teaching materials, designed to meet that end for children ages 3-18.  The team will meet collectively at the beginning of September to pray and clearly define the instructional focus before writing begins.  Each writer will be responsible for creating five, 45 minute lessons for his/her designated age group (Monday –Friday).  While the specific lesson content will vary among the age groups, for developmental appropriateness, the overall purpose and focus for each day will be the same.

Job descriptions

The curriculum materials are broken down into 5 different developmental age groups or sections.  Each writer will be assigned (can request) an age-group and will create teaching materials appropriate for that group that go along with a pre-determined daily focus as determined by the team as a whole.  We will in short, get together as a team of writers to brainstorm and pray in September.  Once the overall teaching objectives are determined for the 2011 season of camp, the writers will take those guidelines, and create specific instructional materials appropriate for their assigned age group.  You will be responsible for creating a total of five, forty-five minute long lessons for your group.  The coordinator (Blaire Savage) will be in regular e-mail correspondence through-out the process, and first and second drafts of materials will go through a series of editing and proofreading before the final draft is published in March.  This commitment will conclude by the middle of March 2011.

Writers will create their materials in Microsoft Word, and submit drafts to be edited for grammar, flow of instruction, biblical accuracy, and format on-line through e-mail.  There will be a total of 25 lessons written (5 age groups x 5 days of teaching), and divided between two editors.  You will read the lesson, make changes as needed, and return them to the writer.  If changes are lengthy, a conversation beyond the ‘fix’ should take place prior to making changes.  Editors will attend all of the three team meetings to ensure they are all on the same page, and have clear expectations of content.

You will receive teaching materials after the first run of editing and before the final draft in order to give feedback regarding the ease of use, and implementation from a ‘blind’ perspective.  You will serve as the trial run read from someone who has just stepped out of the pew per se, and has volunteered to serve in the capacity of ‘age group leader’.  When you read the  materials, how clear is the instruction?  Do you have enough information?  Is there enough or too much to fill the teaching time?  Could it be ‘tweaked’ to better reach the audience with the intended message?  Your candid and gracious feedback will serve us well prior to the final publication.

Supplemental Materials:
You will be provided with a prototype of teaching materials, such as maps, worksheets, and other visual aids, along with a list of needed materials for each instructional day (i.e. markers, string, buckets…).  Your responsibility will include replicating and organizing materials in the Age Group Leader bags so they can be easily accessed and used for teaching implementation during camp.  This responsibility will be completed between April, May, and June – prior to the beginning of the first session of camp in June.   This team of 4 people will work in conjunction with Karen Grubb and the administrative team who has accomplished this task in years past.


  1. Aug. /Sept.: Meet one time to pray, discuss and clarify direction, responsibilities, and establish specific deadlines to meet the intended goal of completion by March 2011.
  2. October: Writing begins.  Work is done at home and correspondence achieved through email and phone.  The coordinator being the connecting point for all –knitting all pieces of the process  together as it unfolds, and providing consistency across the board.
  3. January: Meet again as a whole group to touch base and make sure all are on the same page with remaining tasks and timelines.
  4. March: All final drafts due for publishing and AGL training.
  5. April-June: Support materials replicated and prepared for implantation.

Length of commitment:  Aug/Sept – March 2011.  Expect three physical meetings at the church during that time, with the remainder of service accomplished at home and on your own schedule.  There will be  incremental deadlines determined for editing in order to have all pieces of the curriculum completed by the publishing deadline.


Blaire Savage for specific details about all of the above tasks, or if you have any questions about this ministry team.

  • Phone – 556-7898
  • Email –
If you would like to volunteer for one of the above positions or request more information, please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly.

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